Request for support

The FSAB accepts requests throughout the year. It is important to consult the eligibility criteria and the Our fields of action section before submitting a request.

Eligible organizations

To be eligible for a donation from Fondation Sandra et Alain Bouchard (FSAB), an organization must:

Eligible requests

The eligibility criteria make it possible to establish whether a project fits with the objectives of the Foundation’s mission. Projects submitted must, among other things:

The support of the FSAB for intellectual disabilities and arts and culture can take the form of:

All requests must respond to the mission and values of the FSAB. It may happen that we exceptionally accept applications in other fields related to intellectual disabilities and arts and culture.

The FSAB mainly focuses on the greater Montreal area, with other contributions in the province of Quebec and exceptionally at the national
and international levels.

The FSAB favors organizations and initiatives with which it has an already
established relationship.

Ineligible requests

We receive a large number of requests. Considering the budget made available to us each year, it is possible that we cannot accept your request, even if you meet the criteria.   A written decision will be sent to you once the assessment is complete.

Submit a request

All requests must be sent to us online or by email at